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HR Webinar 1 - Covid-19, Changes to working time (e.g. Short Time)

Speaker: Caroline McEnery, HR Suite
Location: Webinar

CPD Hours: 1


Recorded 25th March 2020.


The coronavirus is spreading rapidly. The virus is transmitted by droplet infection, whereby secreted viruses can survive for several hours on hands or places such as door handles. The WHO is already assessing the spread as an international health emergency. The Redundancy Payments Acts provides for the reducing of hours of employees – called short time - where an employer is unable to provide the same level of work for which the employee was employed to do and the employer believes that this measure will not be permanent and provides the employee with notice. We will discuss how to implement short time correctly in line with the relevant legislation and the State benefits available to employees on the same.



Make sure that you input your CPA member ID as the attendee when booking.

Please note, you cannot claim CPD credit for the same event more than once. Please ensure you have not previously attended this event before purchasing the recording.

Member Cost: €25.00 

Non member Cost: €36.00 

Places Available: 50

Core Competencies:
Law and Regulation: 1.00 hours