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Review of the FRC Thematic Review: IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities & Contingent Assets

Speaker: Laurence D'Arcy, CPA Ireland
Location: Webinar

Week 1: Review of the FRC Thematic Review: IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities & Contingent Assets


The Financial Reporting Council have completed a review from a sample of twenty companies to determine the standard of disclosures followed for IAS 37. This will focus on key disclosure expectations, accounting for best estimates and uncertainties & the use of significant judgements, amongst others. Examples of model disclosures will be within the presentation also. This is an area of financial reporting that has taken on significant importance considering the Covid-19 pandemic & the climate crisis.

Key Webinar Details:

Recorded 4th February 2022 
CPD Credit: 1 hour

Make sure that you input your CPA member ID as the attendee when booking.

Please note, you cannot claim CPD credit for the same event more than once. Please ensure you have not previously attended this event before purchasing the recording.


Member Cost: €29.00 

Non member Cost: €36.00 

Places Available: 26