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Get ready for VAT filing deadline with Xero & Parolla

Speaker: Xero
Location: Webinar

Xero has launched a free Irish VAT3 solution, partnering with Parolla Plugins. See how easy it is to generate a revenue-compliant VAT3 return for direct upload to Irish Revenue and how to generate SEPA compliant payment files, using Parolla’s exclusive Xero plugins. Plus, get an introduction to Xero to explore their core features. 

Key Webinar Details:

Recorded 13th March 2023 
CPD Credit: 1 hours

Make sure that you input your CPA member ID as the attendee when booking, as the CPD credit will not be automatically allocated to your account otherwise

CPD Attendance

Please note, attendance at all online events is digitally monitored. You are required to be logged on for the full duration of any event in order to claim the CPD credit.


Member Cost: €5.00 

Non member Cost: €36.00 

Places Available: 48

Core Competencies:
Taxation: 1.00 hours