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Solicitors Accounts Regulations

Speaker: Colm Dunne, Law Society
Location: Webinar

* Originally recorded on 06/03/2024. 

This webinar will go through the new Solicitors Accounts Regulations, which came into operation on 1 July 2023. The purpose of the new regulations is to increase protection for client moneys and address provisions of the 2014 regulations which are considered inadequate or not sufficiently clear. The changes to the regulations arise following careful review and consultation with the profession, the accounting bodies and other interested parties.

Key Webinar Details:

Time: 1pm - 2pm 
CPD Credit: 1 hours


By registering for this course you have accepted the terms and conditions


By registering for this course you have accepted the terms and conditions

Member Cost: €29.00 

Non member Cost: €36.00 

Places Available: 427

Core Competencies:
Law and Regulation: 1.00 hours