Originally recorded on the 27th October 2023
We have all sat through poorly prepared meetings that achieved nothing except annoy the people attending. They go on and on with no clear objectives and very few clear decisions made. A bad meeting is a major time stealer as we spend a lot of time attending meetings in a typical week. However, team meetings can be very productive, and people can leave them with a sense of achievement.
Whether you are organising a team meeting or attending them, invest your time wisely by ensuring they are productive. During this webinar Sean McLoughney will share his perspective on the 10 habits of a highly effective team meeting.
Some key topics that are explored during this session include:
• Review the 10 habits of managing a highly effective team meeting
• Tips to ensure a meeting stays on track and achieves its purpose.
• The importance of follow through after the meeting, moving from talking to action.
• Understand the different types of meetings and how this impacts your agenda and structure.
• Manage your meeting in a way that ensures everyone is engaged and participates during it.
• Identify the best way to manage and communicate with the different personalities that attends your meeting.
• Discover the three most important questions to ask before you finish a team meeting.
Personal Action Journal
Everyone who attends the webinar will receive their own ‘Personal Action Journal’.
This journal contains tips and exercises that are explored during the session and will
help you get your action plan started. You can also use your journal to document all your
ideas and actions that supports your learning.
Key Webinar Details:
Time: 10am - 12pm
CPD Credit: 2 hours
Make sure that you input your CPA member ID as the attendee when booking.
CPD Attendance
Please note, attendance at all online events is digitally monitored. You are required to be logged on for the full duration of any event in order to claim the CPD credit.