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Sustainability Micro-credentials - Four Course Bundle

Speaker: Sheila Stanley, Vivienne Fitzpatrick, Pat Kane, Dr. Louise Gorman, & Dr. Sean O'Reilly
Location: Online via Live Stream
Stackable Sustainability Micro-credentials

In today's rapidly changing world, it's crucial to stay ahead of the curve and demonstrate your commitment to sustainability. CPA Ireland is delighted to launch our Sustainability Micro-credentials.


This bundle provides access to the four Sustainability Micro-Credentials:


Sustainability Standards - Sheila Stanley & Vivienne Fitzpatrick

The micro-credential in Sustainability Standards is designed to equip you with the knowledge and expertise to navigate the evolving landscape of sustainability reporting frameworks and drive meaningful change within organisations. Join us in shaping a future where sustainability reporting drives positive change and transparency. 


ESG Strategies - Pat Kane

By embracing ESG strategies, organisations align themselves with the braoder goals of creating a more sustainable, equitable and resilient future. They contribute to addressing global challenges such as climate change, social inequality, and responsible governance, while simultaneously reaping the benefits of improved risk management, stakeholder engagement, and long-term value creation. 


Sustainability Assurance - Dr. Louise Gorman & Dr. Sean O'Reilly

Sustainability Assurance involves an independent examination of an organization's sustainability performance, processes, and reporting. It provides credibility to sustainability information and assures stakeholders that the data is reliable and accurate. Accountants can play a vital role in this process. 


ESG Challenges - Sheila Stanley & Vivienne Fitzpatrick

Addressing ESG challenges requires a holistic approach, strong leadership commitment, and continuous improvement in ESG practices. Organisations need to develop robust strategies, establish clear goals, collaborate with stakeholders, and invest in building the necessary capabilities to overcome ESG challenges and drive positive change. 


Upon completion of all course content and assessments, you will receive your digital badge.


Key Details

Method: Recorded webinars, downloadable resources and interactive text based learning

Location: Fully Online

Assessment: Multiple Choice Questions & Audited Learning Log

CPD Credit: 15 hours per micro-credential  (on completion of full course and assessment)

Cost: €2,500

Make sure that you input your CPA member ID as the attendee when booking, as the CPD credit will not be automatically allocated to your account otherwise.


You will receive access instructions and your access key by automated email once you have paid for the course. Further details on how to access Canvas are available here.

**By booking CPA Ireland's Online Further Learning Courses, you consent to your information being shared to our online Learning Management System, Canvas. View their privacy policy here.**

Note: These fees are irrevocable under the terms and conditions. Regrettably, because we have already committed funds to the running of the course, it is not possible to refund any fees. Please note that bookings are not confirmed until payment conditions are fully satisfied.

Please see here for the Terms & Conditions


Member Cost: €2,500.00 

Non member Cost: €2,500.00 

Places Available: 89