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Regulatory Update for Members

Speaker: Lisa Campbell, IAASA

Lisa Campbell, Head of Operations in IAASA will provide observations arising from IAASA’s financial reporting examinations and audit inspections and discuss what CSRD means for SMEs in Ireland and the regulation of accounting and auditing in Ireland.

Topics covered:

  1. Outline of IAASA functions​
  2. CSRD and IAASA functions
  3. CSRD – key facts/dates for SMEs​
  4. Financial reporting observations​
  5. Audit inspection results​
  6. Auditing standards changes​

Key Webinar Details:

Time: 1pm - 2pm 
CPD Credit: 1 hour

Make sure that you input your CPA member ID as the attendee when booking, as the CPD credit will not be automatically allocated to your account otherwise

CPD Attendance

Please note, attendance at all online events is digitally monitored. You are required to be logged on for the full duration of any event in order to claim the CPD credit

**By booking and attending our CPA Ireland Skillnet courses & webinars, you consent to your information being shared to the Skillnet Ireland reporting programme.

Member Cost: €0.00 

Non member Cost: €36.00 

Places Available: 0

Core Competencies:
Law and Regulation: 1.00 hours