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Meet the FRC - learn about the upcoming changes to FRS 102

Speaker: FRC Team
Location: Dublin
Join us in person for our course at Chartered Accountants House, Dublin, on Wednesday 11 September, 2024. Networking and refreshments begin at 12:15 PM, followed by presentations starting promptly at 12:30 PM.
Course Overview
The areas to be discussed will include:
In Ireland, it is estimated that almost 250,000 companies use the FRS 102 and FRS 105 accounting standards to prepare their financial statements each year. In March 2024, the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) issued amendments to Irish and UK accounting standards which conclude the second periodic review of the FRS 100 to FRS 105 standards. Periodic reviews take place approximately every 5 years and consider issues which may merit changing the extant standards, including developments in IFRS Accounting Standards, feedback from stakeholders and new or developing topics that need to be addressed in the standards.
The most notable changes proposed to the standards are contained in FRS 102 and FRS 105 and these amendments will result in many companies accounting for certain transactions differently.
In order to raise awareness of the requirements set out in the amended accounting standards, the FRC will be in Dublin on the 27th June for a free, in-person event. Please join us at the event to further your knowledge on the future developments of the standards. During the event, the FRC will discuss the following;
  • An overview of the new provisions
  • Lease accounting under FRS 102 the move towards more on-balance sheet leases
  • Revenue recognition under both FRS 102 and FRS 105, and the move towards a five-step revenue recognition model
  • Targeted disclosures related to Supplier Finance Arrangements
  • How companies may be impacted by the changes
  • Transition and effective dates
Key Event Details:

Location: Chartered Accountants House, 47/49 Pearse Street, Dublin 2
Time:12.15 - 14.00
CPD Credit: 1.5 hours

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Member Cost: €0.00 

Non member Cost: €0.00 

Places Available: 23