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Company Visit: Rathbane Group, Pearl Assurance House

Speaker: Naoimh McConville
Location: Pearl Assurance House, Belfast

Date: Wednesday 2 April
Venue: In-person at Pearl Assurance House, 1-3 Donegall Square East, Belfast, BT1 5HB
Time: 8am
Cost: Free
Breakfast will be provided. 

Join us on 2 April for an exclusive tour of Pearl Assurance House and the work of Rathbane Group.

The Rathbane Group is a second-generation family business based in NI encompassing MJM Marine, Mivan, NTS and Topglass; together with a diversified property & investment portfolio which includes Commercial, Retail and Renewables assets.

Rathbane Group is a leading expert in the construction of high end & complex projects and a global manufacturer and contractor servicing their clients on land and sea. They offer a complete spectrum of services - from pre-construction, design, manufacturing, technical and project management, providing high-end, quality interior fit-outs.

During this visit, you will have the opportunity to see Rathbane's latest project, Pearl Assurance house at 1 Donegal Square East, Belfast. Our party wil be welcomed by Group Managing Director, Naoimh McConville. 

Don’t miss this unique chance to gain insights into the the work of Rathbane Group.

This event is organised by the Ulster Society Chartered Accountants in Business sub-Committee, but all members are very welcome. Places are limited.

About Naoimh McConville  
Naoimh McConville is co Group Managing Director of The Rathbane Group, with a finance background with Big 4 experience (EY) and has been in the business over 10 years, working across the operations and managing the acquisition projects. Naoimh is responsible for leading the strategic direction of the group including financial, innovation and investment management. Naoimh is a strong advocate for NI Plc and sits on the Makers’ Alliance advisory panel, is a Member of the NI Chamber of Commerce Council and is a Director of NIMO (NI Maritime & Offshore) Steering Group

Please book your place  using the 'BOOK NOW' link below. This event will not be available on-line. This event will not be recorded.


Member Cost: €0.00 

Non member Cost: €0.00 

Places Available: 0